Thursday, April 14, 2011

Big Time Rush

Has anyone ever heard of this band? Maybe they are famous, but from where I currently am in the world it is hard to find out whats really "poppin'" in North America right now. I mean for gods sake, currently on MTV Korea they are showing SEASON 1 of Jersey Shore!! OMG so behind in the times.

So I have been watching a lot of Nickelodeon lately and there is this show that is called "Big Time Rush", chronicling the lives of these 4 young very cute boys in a fictional (or that's what i thought) boy band called "Big Time Rush". The show is all the made up adventures these boys go through with there band manager. OH and they attend a musical boarding school. I've only watched like 4 episodes BUT I AM IN LOVE I TELL YOU!!!!

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit of a pedophile at heart. I just love BOY BANDS!! Them and their feel good music, the inner 15 year old tween in me just wants to jump and dance. Every time I see these guys on TV my heart tingles a little bit...other parts of me might tingle too, but that's just not right to discuss.

BUT THEN SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENED, I was watching another music channel today and I see a VIDEO...of Big Time Rush, and an actual song they have out...with you wouldn't believe WHO it is featuring...SNOOP DOG. You can check it out here


I couldn't post the original because it does not display here in S.Korea, BUT you can watch the official video here .

I don't know what it is about a kids shows and teen sensations and pop music in general that gets me going, but let me tell you, these boys really are the cutest of them all.

J.Beibs move the fuckk over...Big Time Rush is hurrr.

I mean for all I know these kids could have been famous and been around for a while and I am only NOW finding out about them...but in my eyes...they are NEW.


Sage said...

I LOVE that u wrote ur a pedophile at heart! Sometimes I feel the same way! and you're not late, these boys are just reaching their peak, their album just came out. And if you didn't guess, I love them too!

Unknown said...

You are not the only one. Just last month I made my fiancé drive 7 hours just so I could see them live. And they are every bit as good live as they are on the show and in the videos. They did a few acoustic sets, and I must say it was very impressive.

You can check out their performance of their hit single "Big Night" on my blog here.