Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sad to say

Sad to say that I have 2 weeks and 4 days left here in this beautiful country of South Korea. I am getting VERY anxious to go home, but now that the time is creeping up so much faster than I wanted it to, I am getting really sad. I mean I've been here for about 5 months, and I have gotten attached to people, places and things already!! I have made some amazing friends, one in particular that is going to always be apart of my heart. Korea in general will hold a huge part of my heart, and will be the main reason for so much of my growth and maturity. I have never been so happy as I have been here. I have never had such a clear head and stress free as I have been here. But, back to reality, I knew it couldn't last forever. But indeed this is exactly what I needed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Speaking of Dating...

I just finished reading an e-mail one of my really good friends sent me! I thought it was so sweet!! So I am gonna share part of it with the internet. Haha.

"Ok, so I can't take it anymore. She's just too goddam beautiful for YOU!!!

Dear young man who wishes to date Shay,

These are the rules you are to follow

Rule 1: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without utilizing a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate, when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule 2: always think of this before you do something I might find questionable " her friend Pin is a nutcase with very questionable friends and can most likely stomp me, out run me, cut me into little pieces and have them fed to pigs, and if need be shoot me from 200 meters away with ease"

Rule 3: Keep your hands to yourself, or I'll take them away from you.

Rule 4: I have no doubt you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with Shay. Otherwise, once you have gone out with her, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you.

Rule 5: If she cries, YOU cry.

Rule 6: I'm a trucker......extremely mobile. Even though I am half a world away, dont think I wont be around when you come asking about Shay. If necessary, plane tickets are extremely cheap.

Rule 7: Though you may have already faced down somebody else's hulking friends, I'm the crazy one.

Rule 8: If there is any question about the truth of Rule Seven, I will give you one opportunity to out-shoot me on the range.

Rule 9: Cute nicknames for Shay will not be used unless you are married. Is that clear, Honeybunch?

Rule 10: Your eyes are NOT to wander below chin level on Shay.

Rule 11: If you can't show your long-range projected financial earnings, pass her dad's inspection, keep your room clean, shower regularly, and in all other ways demonstrate why you should be allowed to come within fifty feet of Shay, forget it!

Thank you,
(I will let you choose if you get to call me Pin or Death by your actions) "

Haha, I love him, this was regarding someone who had displayed interest in dating me when I moved back to Calgary and what my friend was gonna say to him when he tried to make a move. Love youuuuu you crazy protective psychotic friends of mine.

Internet Dating, a world I will never understand...

So recently I have gone through a pretty shitty breakup. My loving friends have also brought to my attention that they don't like my single life so much. Ha. I guess I have taken the extreme turn from having a boyfriend for the better part of my adult life, (since I was 13) and have not been single since that age, my extreme turn to YEAH SINGLE LIFE, is apparently alarming to my said friends.

I mean, I am not gonna lie, HOW IS IT THAT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW AMAZING IT WAS TO BE SINGLE ALL THIS TIME?!?! I have genuinely been missing out. I'm not saying that I will never date again, but I am taking a solid break. I'm thinking for the next year or so. Seriously, I am loving casual encounters and not having to worry about someones opinion constantly, and having to live up to someones unreasonable expectations, controlling attitude and psychoanalyzing everything I do. Maaaaaybe it was the kind of guy I dated that turned me off so much. But I think it's fair I give some time to be by myself, and dedicate to me. I think I deserve THAT much, no?

I haven't been single since I was 13 going on 14 people!!! 

With that being said, my friends SIGNED ME UP for a dating site. I won't say which one, but I didn't know they had done so. Until I suddenly got all these random requests on my e-mail. And then I knew what was up.

I wasn't mad, if anything I was kind of offended. That they think I couldn't find a guy is why I was single? Nah bro's, on the contrary, I am CHOOSING to be single. I have yet to find someone that is worthy of my time, I just don't see the point in wasting my time with guys I know I see no future with. I'll just sleep around and get my fill for the time being. LOL.

Jokes aside, what's with some of the guys on dating sites? Like why the need to send such disgusting repulsive messages to women? And my big question is DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK!? DO people actually respond to such vulgar comments made to them? And like do men get messages from women? I know if my life depended on it I wouldn't send someone a message on the site I am on, due to the simple fact that my EGO is way to big for that. I have yet to reply to a single person either, if anything it is amazing entertainment during work. I'm definitely not trying to be snotty, the whole reason my friends signed me up was due to the fact that they think CLEARLY the men I am currently meeting are not working out for me and they think I need to broaden my horizons. I can see their point, but does the internet REALLY bring out the best men?

Me not replying to anyone on this site has nothing to do with my ego being to big, none of these men have said anything of value or anything that would make me attracted to them. Saying shit like "HEY BABY UR SO YUMMY" is not making me want to reply to you and thus meet you in real life.

Which brings me to my next point...meeting somoene off the internet. I have met one person off the internet, very randomly once. And I don't even know if this is considered meeting someone off the internet as so much as I used to post on a local website catered to my home city, and someone in the forum I used to post recognized me one night at a bar. It was weird to say the least, cause I did not recognize them one bit.

I don't know if I could meet someone like that intentionally though, I am such a pussy. I am scared of people killing me at all times. I mean but in reality whats the big difference than when I go out with a guy I have only met once? I know him the same amount as I know whoever I have been talking to on said dating site technically right? But that's the thing the whole awkward "what's he really gonna look like" part never arises in meeting UP with someone. Even if you met said person when you were heavily intoxicated...sometimes turns out the same way too!!

I don't know, I guess the whole online dating thing will take some time to get used to if I ever get used to it even. I mean I have some girlfriends that have met AMAZING guys off this site, and their current boyfriends. But my lack of trying, effort, and not wanting a boyfriend, combined with the intense amount of ugly, creepy, old, pig like men messaging me might be a deathly awkward fucking WEIRD scenario.

Well, I guess I will find out.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Am I total bitch?

I have been called many things in my life, funny names, names of endearment, insults, racist names, you name it and I've been called it. The one I get a lot is "bitch" though, both in a "You are such a bitch, I love it!" and in a "You're such a bitchy cunt" kind of way. I never really thought about it till my Mother brought it up to me the other day over a phone conversation...that maybe I am a total bitch. I don't take anything seriously until my MOTHER says it to me for some reason.

I am one of those people that hate talking to random strangers, I am not even going to pretend I give a hoot about your day just because you're sitting beside my on the subway. I do not care what your travel plans are, how many kids you have, where you are from, why you're going wherever you're going and don't think the 15 hour plane right sitting beside each other we have is gonna change my mind. I just don't see the the use in useless banter with someone that will lead to nothing. I'd rather be left alone and listen to my music and read my books. 

I AM that girl when I go on trips with my friends to resorts in Cancun, Cuba, Dom Rep, Costa Rica that does the LEAST socializing with other tourists and I do not enjoy random groups of guys coming up to us in the pool to "see what our plans for the evening are". I am here on a vacation, not there to make fuckin friends, as you can see *points to group of friends* I already have some great ones.

I tend to be a very likable person though, I get along with people at work, I've always been really popular amongst people and I am definitely the loud obnoxious life of the party. I have countless groups of friends, so I don't consider myself to be anti social if anything I am the opposite, most of my relationships with men have failed due to ugh lets just say how OUTGOING I can be.

BUT when it comes to everyday life, I just don't like making the time to talk to people, I hate when I am at the airport with my friends or family and other people try and talk to us, and everyone says I am "such a bitch" for blatantly ignoring the conversation my friends or family are having with these random strangers. Or eating lunch by myself during work and people from other departments have to talk to me about their weekends, like does this look like a face that cares?? I mean, people in general like me I tend to notice, I don't know WHY, but it just happens. ALSO, I am NOT trying to sound concieted AT ALL, I am just saying that because I don't want people to think "well you're a bitch and thats why you have no friends and no one likes you", nah totally the opposite, it seems people wanna annoy me with their useless banter EVEN MORE because they think I am a "bitch" which I do not think I am. 

It's not like I am RUDE, or MEAN to people on an everday basis, when someone does talk to me I'll answer whatever they ask, and reply to whatever they said, I won't just flat out ignore someone, but I do try my damned hardest too.

I REALLY value silence.

Does this qualify me to be a bitch? Is that not normal? Is there anyone else out there that does this? Or am I just a total bitch? I always figured since I had a lot of friends, good ones at that, and was in general nice to people, I passed the "not a bitch test"...due to recent events I guess I was wrong. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

One Night in Bangkok

One night in Bangkok and the worlds your oyster.

"Thanks to Hangover 2 for reminding me of this GEM"- Tyler Cloherty...and thank you Tyler for reminding me of this fuckin classic !!!!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Peanut butter jelly time!

SOO I have come to terms with the fact that I am no g-unit. For many years as a young lad, I thought I was definitely the next LIL KIM. You know I used to spit game like a mother fucker. I soon realized my suburban lifestyle, and very much non hardknock life really doesn't give you much to spit game about...BUT YOU KNOW LIFE CAN BE HARD ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS TOO, I still haven't figured out yet what it is that makes it so tough...BUT ONE DAY I'LL SHOW YOU!

I miss you in the morning and in zee afternoon

O Canada, my home and definitley not my native land! But I miss thee. Oh so much. I don't know whether it is the fact that I am getting kind of bored with life here in South Korea? Or the fact that me moving back to Canada is coming up in a month that is making me feel so homesick. But either way, I am homesick. I want my Tim Horton's and I want my god damn Canadian Maple syrup, DONE RIGHT. 

That is all.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Word to the wise...

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Blog lovin...

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Girls, Girls, Girls!!

Yes you girls!! You really know how to pull a fast one I tell yeah! 

Something that has bothering me lately and unfortunately from personal experience I speak of this subject, is girls and what happens when a girl gets a boyfriend! I know I know this topic has been covered by SO many people, and so many people have the same opinions as me. But here goes my two cents on the issue.

I have noticed for many years now amongst my girlfriends, (don't get me wrong not ALL of them are like this, especially myself, but a couple here and there are) that they CHANGE when they are in a relationship? Why is that? Can anyone explain what goes on in your brain when that happens? I mean of course naturally people over time change, that is inevitable, but whats with the attitude ladies?

I do not understand why when women get a significant other they magically forget about the lives and the people in them before they had this said magic man in their life!?! Why do girls feel the need to constantly either be with their boyfriends, talk about their boyfriends, not have ANY life whatsoever outside of their relationship, yet when this relationship comes to its magical end which it always does, they come crying back to you, but for the last 2 years you basically didn't even exist to them?

Women who value some guy who just came into their life and have known for a week, over valuing friendships with people they have had for years reallllly erks me the wrong way. I myself just do not understand that!??! I have had plenty o boyfriends in my life, some shitty, some good, meh more so shitty than good, but none the less even when I dated my last boyfriend for the past 5 years of my life, I never once abandoned my friends. I'm actually the total polar opposite, I REFUSE to date a guy who cannot mingle with my friends, and someone my friends do not approve of. I would never choose a guy over my buddies. It just is not in my nature to do so.

And I am not saying that these girls just full on abandon their friends and never speak to them, I mean of course some do which is completely retarded as well. But I am saying that slowly but surely they become obsessed with their boyfriends and cannot be without them. Can't you have a girls night? Or just a close friends night without your damn boyfriend glued to your hips? The funny part is that most the time guys end up breaking up with these girls due to the fact that they are so clingy. I have more male friends than I do girl friends, it just happened like that, now these are all my childhood male friends that are total platonic relationships, literally my brothers. Annnnnd, I know as a fact that they don't like when girls don't have their own separate lives, friends of their own. I love doing things with my boyfriend, and having him around with my friends. But I do not need him there everyday, every moment of my life. I can LIVE without him.

Girls, if you're the kind of gal that constantly talks about your boyfriend to your friends, always ditches your real friends for your boyfriend, that never returns texts because of your boyfriend, won't go out without him, and or thinks that the world revolves around your BOYFRIEND, then I tell you this now, in case no one has said this to you before GET YOUR FUCKIN HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. He is not the entire world, don't forget those you love you for you and not your pussy. Don't be a little bitch because one day he too shall piss on your face and break your heart and you will go crying back to your friends, and because they are such loving people they will take you back, but remember what happened to the boy who cried wolf? ONE DAY they will not take you back. Because as a part of human nature, we can only tolerate your bitch ass attitude for so long. Eventually this to shall come to an end. And you will then truly be alone in the world.


Monday, June 06, 2011

A long weekend in Busan!

Long weekend here, and me and "J" decided to hit the beaches and frolick in the sun and sand in Pusan for it!! Good idea it was!! Busan or "Pusan" as it was once upon a time called, is the second largest city in South Korea, of approx 7 million in population. It is indeed a beautiful city!! With the water, and the beach ( not a huge one but still fun ) and the amazing restaurants, it was indeed a much needed break away from the city and work I needed. 

Downfalls of Busan, if you're planning on and or want to go, the nightlife for sure. I mean, don't get me wrong, this weekend was by far the best weekend to have gone to Busan, due to it being a long weekend. BUT that being said, it also meant that EVERY foreigner in South Korea had taken the same trip we had and went out to Busan!! It was FILLED with foreigners, perhaps a 3:1 ration between foreigners and Koreans!! Not really my favorite part either, felt like I was back in Vancouver! Crazy I tell ya. Over all it was a good time though. Short but sweet. But back to the downfall, the nightlife compared to Seoul is mediocre for sure. Seoul there is more things to do in a span of 3 hours than I have seen anywhere in my life. An abundance of clubs to choose from, whether you're ballering it up at the club, being the middle man and or you're just completly broke ass, there is like at least 500 places to go that you would have an amazzzzing time at!!

Busan, meh not so much. I've seen better. Definitely don't go there to party in clubs and or for the music in clubs!! Go for some great patio times, and of course beach bum drinking!!!

Friday, June 03, 2011

You know what I love?

Daytime drinking. It is highly under rated and severely overlooked. Not to mention looked down upon. But WHY?! It's the healthiest way to get boozing done without ruining a day. Like yesterday for example, had the day off, so me and friend decided we'd go for some drinks, you know summer time patio drinks are the best. Can't waste a beautiful day right?!? Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, noon rolls around, we roll up to a outdoor patio in Hongdae, have some brewskys, which lead to shots which leads to beer pong which leads to Shay being drunk at 3pm on a Thursday afternoon. It was great!!!! Got loaded, was passed out by 8pm, woke up at 2am, totally hungover, ate some food, watched some TV, ate some more food, relaxed, and went back to sleep at 5am, woke up at 9am, FEELING GREAT, went to work today, having a GREAT day so far! And not to mention a productive one as well!! Annnnnnnnd can go home relax un-wind for my big trip to Busan this weekend!!!

So why don't people do this more often? Normally, I would have gotten schmammered tonight, been hungover ALL day tomorrow, felt like shit and made absolute waste of a good Saturday.  Instead, daytime drinking causes no interferences with YOUR DAY!!! 

Obviously there are many flaws to this theory, like oh I don't know, ummm this thing I call WORK. You know how most people WORK during the day. Yeah, and if one were to take days off from work to drink, well then, we have a problem. SO NEW CONCLUSION, DAYS OFF FROM WORK, I will drink during the day from now on! 

Jokes aside, we all know getting schmammered is a giant waste of time. But well, so is anything! Meh you only live once, as long as you have your priorities in check and it doesn't affect your life and your livelihood, I see no harm in the occasional hurrah!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

5 more weeks...

 Until I can see the loves of my life again. I miss you so much. I just wanna kiss each of you so much. I love you with all my heart.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

What's the plan Stan?

What's the plan? The plan is simple, read, write, discuss, and perhaps eat a couple of BK burgers. That's so far what I have accomplished. I need my plans to start replicating my mind more, like I need to quit eating out. My ass and hips are gonna soon become titanic size. Healthy lifestyle. This is what I need. This is what I want. Yes Yes. That is my new plan. Yes that is the plan Stan.