Friday, June 03, 2011

You know what I love?

Daytime drinking. It is highly under rated and severely overlooked. Not to mention looked down upon. But WHY?! It's the healthiest way to get boozing done without ruining a day. Like yesterday for example, had the day off, so me and friend decided we'd go for some drinks, you know summer time patio drinks are the best. Can't waste a beautiful day right?!? Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, noon rolls around, we roll up to a outdoor patio in Hongdae, have some brewskys, which lead to shots which leads to beer pong which leads to Shay being drunk at 3pm on a Thursday afternoon. It was great!!!! Got loaded, was passed out by 8pm, woke up at 2am, totally hungover, ate some food, watched some TV, ate some more food, relaxed, and went back to sleep at 5am, woke up at 9am, FEELING GREAT, went to work today, having a GREAT day so far! And not to mention a productive one as well!! Annnnnnnnd can go home relax un-wind for my big trip to Busan this weekend!!!

So why don't people do this more often? Normally, I would have gotten schmammered tonight, been hungover ALL day tomorrow, felt like shit and made absolute waste of a good Saturday.  Instead, daytime drinking causes no interferences with YOUR DAY!!! 

Obviously there are many flaws to this theory, like oh I don't know, ummm this thing I call WORK. You know how most people WORK during the day. Yeah, and if one were to take days off from work to drink, well then, we have a problem. SO NEW CONCLUSION, DAYS OFF FROM WORK, I will drink during the day from now on! 

Jokes aside, we all know getting schmammered is a giant waste of time. But well, so is anything! Meh you only live once, as long as you have your priorities in check and it doesn't affect your life and your livelihood, I see no harm in the occasional hurrah!

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