Monday, June 20, 2011

Speaking of Dating...

I just finished reading an e-mail one of my really good friends sent me! I thought it was so sweet!! So I am gonna share part of it with the internet. Haha.

"Ok, so I can't take it anymore. She's just too goddam beautiful for YOU!!!

Dear young man who wishes to date Shay,

These are the rules you are to follow

Rule 1: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without utilizing a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate, when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule 2: always think of this before you do something I might find questionable " her friend Pin is a nutcase with very questionable friends and can most likely stomp me, out run me, cut me into little pieces and have them fed to pigs, and if need be shoot me from 200 meters away with ease"

Rule 3: Keep your hands to yourself, or I'll take them away from you.

Rule 4: I have no doubt you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with Shay. Otherwise, once you have gone out with her, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you.

Rule 5: If she cries, YOU cry.

Rule 6: I'm a trucker......extremely mobile. Even though I am half a world away, dont think I wont be around when you come asking about Shay. If necessary, plane tickets are extremely cheap.

Rule 7: Though you may have already faced down somebody else's hulking friends, I'm the crazy one.

Rule 8: If there is any question about the truth of Rule Seven, I will give you one opportunity to out-shoot me on the range.

Rule 9: Cute nicknames for Shay will not be used unless you are married. Is that clear, Honeybunch?

Rule 10: Your eyes are NOT to wander below chin level on Shay.

Rule 11: If you can't show your long-range projected financial earnings, pass her dad's inspection, keep your room clean, shower regularly, and in all other ways demonstrate why you should be allowed to come within fifty feet of Shay, forget it!

Thank you,
(I will let you choose if you get to call me Pin or Death by your actions) "

Haha, I love him, this was regarding someone who had displayed interest in dating me when I moved back to Calgary and what my friend was gonna say to him when he tried to make a move. Love youuuuu you crazy protective psychotic friends of mine.

1 comment:

Carrymel said...

this is hilarious! you're lucky you have someone who cares so much lol.

found you on 20sb! check me out: