Wednesday, May 11, 2011

World DJ Festival

That is right!! I went to the infamous World DJ Festival held here in South Korea. This is deemed to be the 3rd biggest DJ festival in the world. This year consisted of my MOST FAVORITE DJ's Avicii, Da Da Life and Markus Shulz. AMAZING. That's all I can say, those 3 days seriously MIND FUCKED me. And left me in a state of soreness my body cannot ever recover from. This was held on May 6,7andthe8th, in Yangpeoung. (spelling is fucked as usual)

The night started off with me and my good friend we'll call "J" for now taking the almost 2 hour subway ride to the venue, which happened to be a GIANT FIELD in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. The place was packed and the drinks starting pouring down my throat. The locals and non locals that played up until the moments of Avicii, Da Da life and of course Markus Shulz were AMAZING. But nothing in comparison to those 3 when they came on stage.

I wish I could remember more, but ah, of course the effects of cheap booze leave me in a state of "wtf" every beautiful hung over morning. According to my pictures though, it was an AMAZING time. Haha, no truly, I recommend anyone and everyone even if you aren't into house music, you NEED to go to a DJ Show to actual experience the ecstasy of literally dancing the night away.

The crowd was spectacular. Met some amazing Americans and they let us stay in their hotel, us being the classy girls we are obviously did not plan on actually camping out at the venue that everyone else had done so at. Ha ha. 

I am so happy to have experienced such an amazing mind fuckin time, I have been to A LOT of DJ shows in my life, but NOTHING can compare to this. Don't know whether it was the fact that we were in god damn SOUTH KOREA which is amazing in its own right, ORRRR the fact that the worlds greatest DJ's just blew us away with their amazing tunes. Either or, it was a weekend I will seriously never top, nor will I forget.

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